Kenapa 'triple 1-2'?
Nama blog diinspirasikan dari saudara Naim. Merujuk kepada sesi pentadbiran MT Permai tahun 2011/2012 (tiga satu dan dua).
Dari mana datangnya idea untuk menubuhkan blog?
Kami sememangnya ingin mewujudkan satu medium yang mudah dan santai untuk lebih dekat kepada ahli PERMAI. Bukanlah untuk 'berceramah' semata-mata, tetapi untuk berkongsi pendapat, cerita dan gambar-gambar menarik mengenai kehidupan. Hopefully, blog ini akan menjadi medium bagi ahli lebih mengenali kami.
Penulis blog?
Semua AMT PERMAI sesi 11/12
Apa yang akan kami post dan berapa kerap?
Mengikut kehendak penulis-penulis blog.
(English version)
Why 'triple1-2'?
Inspired by Naim. this refers to the time length of our position as PERMAI's MT. We refer to ourselves as Leaders of 11/12.
Where did the idea of a blog come from?
After a long discussion, we wanted to be closer with all members of PERMAI, and like many leaders had twitter and probably Facebook pages to interact with their people came this idea of creating something for our members to interact with us through the internet easily. Some of us are into writing, others into we hoped by using a blog, we could express our individuality more. Plus, it's more fun!
Who are the members of this blog?
All PERMAI MT's of the year 11/12, voted by the members of PERMAI in an election.
What is the objective of this blog?
To enjoy freely expressing our ideas directly to everyone. And for PERMAI members to get to know us more.
What will we post and how often?
Depends on the members of the blog.