May 9, 2012

Kuda berlari

Sebelum final exam, molek sangatlah kalau semua bersiap sedia betul-betul. Final exam ni hanya sekali (untuk setiap subjek^^), setiap semester. Tiada rugi kalau pulun sungguh-sungguh. Jadi baca banyak-banyak, tanya banyak-banyak, ini last chance to do the very best.

Saya rasa saya terlambat sebenarnya, sebab semua dah mood final exam, tapi better late than never. 

Lukisan dedikasi saya untuk pasukan AMM 11/12. 

the picture is not the best part- is best is that my teammates signed the sides and the back of the canvas- making it priceless!

The Eight Running Horses is a very auspicious symbol of power and perseverance and represents a distinguished success and prosperity. 

InsyaAllah this is what I pray for every team member! 

Selamat exam semua!

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